Rotoforge roadmap

As with Pyrojet before, the end goal is to realize the first generation of desktop universal fabricator. A few milestones on the way to that future are below...

  1. Find a set of off the shelf (OTS) parts that, when brought together can form a widely accessible development platform for AFSD on the home desktop. (achieved)
  2. Reliably deposit various metals on various substrates. (achieved)
  3. Create solid layers of metallic materials on substrates. The end result that meets this objective is a single layer PCB that is useable. (work in progress)
  4. Build 3D layers of metallic materials on substrates, and on themselves. For example, a simple hollow cube of aluminum. (work in progress)
  5. Repeat objective 2-4 for ceramics and plastics, especially those not currently printable with other methods.
  6. Develop a fully closed loop control system for monitoring the printing process. Success at this would be, collecting reliable temperature, pressure, chemical and force sensing data at the deposition zone. Eventually, being able to automatically devise printing parameters on demand for a given material.
  7. Build a community of operators capable of printing the basic components of a rotoforge from raw materials at tremendously low cost to start bringing the system to a wider and wider group of users. Perhaps, the entire world.
  8. TBD